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GettyImages 159817657 Indian police personnel escort a prisoner transport vehicle believed to be ferrying the gangrape accused as it enters the district court in Saket in New Delhi on January 21, 2013. The father of a student who died after being gang-raped on a bus in New Delhi called for swift justice and for her attackers to be hanged as five men accused of her murder prepared to go on trial. A defence lawyer tried to persuade India's top court that the trial should be shifted out of the capital, but the father of the 23-year-old victim said her family would only rest once a fast-track court had handed down its verdict. AFP PHOTO/ Prakash SINGH (Photo credit should read PRAKASH SINGH/AFP/Getty Images)
Prozessauftakt gegen mutmaßliche Vergewaltiger in Indien am 21.01.2013图像来源: AFP/Getty Images

据路透社消息,在印度公交车强奸案的审理过程中,五名被告坚持为自己做无罪辩护。据律师透露,法官周六一共宣读了13项指控罪名,其中包括谋杀罪,因此五名被告可能面临死刑。为其中两名被告担任辩护律师的辛格(A.P. Singh)表示,五名被告在作无罪陈述之后随即被带离法庭。下周二,检察院将对三名证人进行询问,正式开始案件的审理过程。一名23岁的女大学生在新德里一辆公交车内被轮奸施暴之后,又被嫌疑人扔下车,之后因伤势过重而不治身亡。参与作案的还有一名17岁少年,因尚未成年此案在印度国内外引发了强烈愤怒情绪,以及关于印度妇女保护的争论。

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