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Bildnummer: 60563757 Datum: 05.10.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua DAMASCUS, -- Qadri Jamil, deputy prime minister for economic affairs, speaks on the sideline of the meeting for the Popular Front for Change and Liberation in Damascus, Syria, Oct. 5, 2013. Qadri Jamil, leader of the Popular Front for Change and Liberation, said that all parties of the Syrian opposition should be represented in the Geneva Conference, brushing aside claims that invitations were sent to some parties only. He indicated that preparations for the Geneva Conference are continuing at a high pace but regretfully there are some complications related to the abroad opposition. He urged the Syrian opposition parties to reach an agreement on the need of uprooting foreign fighters from the country. ( Xinhua/Bassem Tellawi) (lyx) SYRIA-DAMASCUS-POPULAR FRONT FOR CHANGE AND LIBERATION-MEETING PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN People Politik xdp x0x 2013 quer premiumd 60563757 Date 05 10 2013 Copyright Imago XINHUA Damascus Qadri Jamil Deputy Prime Ministers for Economic Affairs Speaks ON The Sideline of The Meeting for The Popular Front for Change and Liberation in Damascus Syria OCT 5 2013 Qadri Jamil Leader of The Popular Front for Change and Liberation Said Thatcher All Parties of The Syrian Opposition should Be in The Geneva Conference brushing ASIDE Claims Thatcher invitations Were Sent to Some Parties Only he indicated Thatcher preparations for The Geneva Conference are continuing AT a High Pace but There are Some complications RELATED to The Abroad Opposition he urged The Syrian Opposition Parties to Reach to Agreement ON The Need of uprooting Foreign Fighters from The Country XINHUA Bassem lyx Syria Damascus Popular Front for Change and Liberation Meeting PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Celebrities politics XDP x0x 2013 horizontal premiumd)
Syrien Kadri Dschamil stellvertretender syrischer Ministerpräsident图像来源: imago/Xinhua

数月一来一再推迟的叙利亚问题国际会议将在11月底举行。叙利亚副外长扎米尔(Kadri Dschamil/资料图片)在莫斯科表示,会谈计划在11月23日至24日在日内瓦举行。今年5月以来,俄罗斯和美国尝试促成叙利亚冲突各方进行对话,以通过协商解决冲突。除叙利亚政府代表之外,反对派也将参与届时的会谈。但目前叙反对派阵营日益陷入分裂局面。

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