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Syrian Commander Riad al-Asaad, who heads a group of Syrian army defectors appears on a video posted on the group's Facebook page, as he retracts earlier claims that his followers launched an attack on Baath Part Headquarters inside the Syrian capital, Damascus. In an embarrassing turnaround for an armed movement trying to oust President Bashar Assad's regime, Riad al-Asaad, a Turkey-based air force colonel who heads the Free Syrian Army, said in the video, that Assad's government was trying to tarnish the image of the Syrian revolution. (Foto:Facebook/AP/dapd) THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HAS NO WAY OF INDEPENDENTLY VERIFYING THE CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS VIDEO IMAGE.
图像来源: dapd


叙利亚最大抵抗武装领导人利亚德·阿尔—阿萨德(Riad al-Asaad)要求前联合国秘书长安南宣布其主持制定的叙利亚和平计划失败。这位反对派领袖周四(5月31日)对阿拉伯半岛电视台表示,一旦作出这样的宣布,抵抗武装就可以展开对政府军的打击。利雅得·阿萨德同时拒绝了竞争武装组织“自由叙利亚军”向政府提出的关于必须在48小时内实施停火计划的最后通牒。“自由叙利亚军”昨天称,如果政府方面不在本周五之前落实安南的和平计划,国内军事冲突就将升级。

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