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epa03803684 A general view shows road blocks at the area of clashes between police forces and supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi, near the tomb of former President Anwar al-Sadat, in Cairo, Egypt, 27 July 2013. Clashes between Egyptian police and backers of ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi in Cairo left 21 people dead, health authorities said on 27 July. Morsi_s Muslim Brotherhood put the toll at 120 people, saying they were killed in a _massacre_ by the army and police near an area in north-eastern Cairo where followers of the Islamist group have been camping and protesting for four weeks. The Health Ministry reported that about 180 were injured in the clashes that police said broke out after Morsi_s supporters tried to block the October 6 Bridge, which links Cairo_s east and south. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

埃及新近的暴力冲突引发国际社会忧虑。联合国秘书长潘基文谴责开罗的流血事件。他呼吁埃及过渡政府保护所有民众的安全。欧盟外交事务专员阿什顿呼吁放弃使用暴力。埃及安全力量强硬对待下台总统穆尔希(Mohammed Mursi)的支持者后,美国呼吁保持克制。华盛顿透露,美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)与埃及军方领导人西西( Abdel Fattah al-Sissi )通电话,表达对暴力冲突的深刻忧虑。哈格尔表示,必须避免再次发生流血事件。美国国务卿凯利(John Kerry)也作出类似表态。据埃及卫生部最新数字,周六有72人丧生。穆斯林兄弟会则表示,死者远超过100人。他们指责警方专门向穆尔希的支持者开枪。

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