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Heads of the African States pose for a group picture in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Sunday, Jan, 27, 2013, during the African Union Conference. African leaders met in the Ethiopian capital Sunday for talks dominated by the conflict in Mali as well as lingering territorial issues between the two Sudans. The African Union says it will deploy a force in Mali, where French troops are helping the Malian army to push back Islamist extremists whose rebellion threatens to divide the West African nation. (Foto:AP/dapd)
图像来源: AP


国际马里使命捐款方会议今天(1月29日)在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴开始举行。非洲国家元首和政府首脑同国际组织的代表团一起,就马里使命的资金及马里政府军的重组问题进行磋商。参加会议的还有联合国、欧盟、法、英、美、德、日等国的代表。马里过渡总统特拉奥雷(Dionkounda Traore)在开幕讲话中敦促国际社会向马里提供大力支持和援助。他强调,武力只能是最后的手段,但在马里已无可避免,因为,极端伊斯兰主义恐怖势力已构成对整个世界的威胁。主要承担马里使命的非洲联盟需要国际社会提供资金和后勤支持。任期届满的非盟本届主席博尼(Thomas Yayi Boni)新近批评非洲国家对马里的局势反应过于缓慢。西非经济共同体(ECOWAS)许诺向马里派遣规模为5700人的多国干预部队,因资金和后勤问题一再推延。

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