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Egypt's chief justice Adly Mansour delivers a speech during his swearing-in ceremony as the country's interim president in the Supreme Constitutional Court. in Cairo on July 4, 2013, a day after the military ousted and detained Mohamed Morsi following days of massive protests. The ceremony, which was broadcast live on national television, came after the military swept aside Morsi on Wednesday, a little more than a year after the Islamist leader took office. AFP PHOTO / KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Khaled Desouki/AFP/Getty Images


埃及临时总统曼苏尔(Adli Mansur)提出修宪和议会选举时间表。根据曼苏尔当地时间周一(7月8日)晚间在开罗发布的一项政令,将在半年内举行提前大选,此前,引起争议的伊斯兰主义色彩浓厚的现行宪法将被修改,为此将举行全民公投。自由派和反对派拒绝这一制定于2012年的宪法。新议会组成后,将举行下届总统选举。在持续发生民众大规模示威抗议浪潮后,军方上周解除了来自伊斯兰阵营的穆尔西总统的职务,任命宪法法院院长曼苏尔为临时总统。美国政府昨天表示,尽管民选总统穆尔西被罢黜,美国将继续对埃及提供军事和资金援助,既有的相关协议至少暂时会继续得到实施。

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