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埃及议会不顾解散命令 召开会议

epa03300672 (FILE) A file photo taken with a fisheye lens dated 11 March 2012 shows a meeting of the Egyptian parliament in Cairo, Egypt. Accordingl media reports on 08 July 2012, Egypt's new president, Mohammed Morsi, has overturned a decision by the country's highest court by reinstating the Islamist-dominated lower house of parliament. Morsi, who assumed office on June 30, issued a decree for the People's Assembly, or the legislature, to re-convene and exercise its powers. The Supreme Constitutional Court had last month invalidated the legislature and termed its electoral law unconstitutional EPA/STR +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Parlament Saal Kairo Ägypten图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa

本周二,埃及议会无视军事委员会发布的解散议会命令重新召开会议。会议只持续了短短几分钟,议员象征性地表达了反对军事委员会命令的态度。议长卡塔特尼(Saad al-Katatni)同时也表示,议员们并不反对宪法法院的裁决。数周前,埃及宪法法院判决称,目前议会是通过非法选举产生的。

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