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Cyprus presidential candidate Nicos Anastasiades of the right wing Democratic Rally party and his grandsons cast a ballot at a polling station in Limassol February 17, 2013. Cypriots went to the polls on Sunday to elect a president who will have to take responsibility for negotiating a financial rescue to save the small island nation from a bankruptcy that would reignite the euro zone debt crisis. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (CYPRUS - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
塞浦路斯选举新总统图像来源: Reuters

(法新社/路透社)在金融危机阴影笼罩下的塞浦路斯,约有545,000人参与投票选出了新总统。现任总统赫里斯托菲亚斯(Demetris Christofias)未参加竞选,他所在的劳进党是欧盟中目前唯一的共产主义执政党。目前遥遥领先的候选人是保守党派民主大会党(DISY)的阿纳斯塔希亚蒂斯(Nikos Anastassiadis),他目前领先排名第二的候选人现任卫生部长马拉斯(Stavros Malas)约20个百分点。如果在这一轮投票中没有人达到50%的绝对多数,一周后的2月24日将展开第二轮投票。塞浦路斯正在经历严重的银行危机,该国去年6月向欧盟提出170亿欧元的救助申请。

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