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French President Francois Hollande arrives at the EU Headquarters on February 7, 2013 in Brussels, on the first day of a two-day European Union leaders summit. European Union leaders head into a fresh clash over the EU's budget with the only certainty being that proposals for several years will be cut back. AFP PHOTO / GEORGES GOBET (Photo credit should read GEORGES GOBET/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images


到访希腊前夕,法国总统奥朗德称,反对将欧洲分成富裕的北方和贫穷的南方两大区块。奥朗德在周一(2月18日)一期的希腊《新闻报》(Ta Nea)上表示,欧洲所有国家都属于一个“实体”,不能接受把欧洲分割成富北穷南两部分。不过,奥朗德同时强调,每个欧洲国家都应切实管好自己的财政,切实进行改革。奥朗德称,法国与希腊的关系与众不同,悠久的历史将两国密切相连,“同甘共苦”。奥朗德指出,他对希腊的访问是要表达法国的支持,帮助希腊实现自己的目标。