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Venezuelans, who are residing in Guatemala, bang pots and pans as they demonstrate in support of Venezuelan opposition leader Henrique Capriles in Guatemala City April 17, 2013. Several South American presidents will hold an emergency meeting on Thursday in Lima to discuss the political crisis in Venezuela following the disputed election of President Nicolas Maduro, Peru's foreign ministry said on Wednesday. Capriles, who is alleging thousands of irregularities at polling centers, wants a full audit of the ballots. Seen in the background is a monument of Simon Bolivar. The banner (R) reads, "One route exists, recount of votes".REUTERS/Jorge Dan Lopez (GUATEMALA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS CIVIL UNREST)


在总统选举中失利的委内瑞拉反对派竞选人卡普里莱斯(Henrique Capriles)周五(4月26日)宣布,将向法院提出上诉,提交所有证据,证明选举结果是错误的。卡普里莱斯称,虽然不能预期会获得所希望的回复,但早晚会有新的选举。据选举委员会公布的正式计票结果,来自保守派阵营的卡普里莱斯在本月14日举行的总统选举中不敌过渡总统马杜罗,以微弱票数失利。卡普里莱斯拒绝承认败选,要求重新计票。鉴于国内多地爆发激烈抗议并导致流血,选举委员会许诺重新计票,但迄今未予实施。本周三,卡普里莱斯指控当局“窃取”了选举成果,并对选举委员会提出最后通牒,要求在周四之前开始重新计票。