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©Kyodo/MAXPPP - 27/05/2013 ; ISHIGAKI, Japan - The Chinese maritime surveillance vessel Haijian 46 (back) prevents a Japanese fishing boat (front) from sailing ahead on May 26, 2013, in Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea. Three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels sailed the same day into Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands, which are controlled by Japan but claimed by China and Taiwan. (Kyodo)
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


据法新社报道,日本首相安倍晋三就缓和因岛屿争议而紧张的日中关系提出动议。日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周五(9月6日)在东京通报说,安倍首相在出席20国集团峰会期间同中国主席习近平短暂会面时提出建议,重返建立双边“战略互惠关系”的源头。两位领导人晤谈了5分钟,这是安倍去年12月就任首相、习近平于今年3月当选担任国家主席以来两人之间的首次直接会晤。日本政府去年9月将两国间存有主权争议的多个岛屿收归国有,导致双边紧张关系激化。有争议岛屿(日方称为“尖阁诸岛”,中方称‘钓鱼岛’)位于距台湾约200公里、距日本冲绳约400公里,周围海域渔业资源丰富,海底被认为蕴藏有大量油、气。

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