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Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service ,Germany Picture Service A protester demonstrates in Chicago May 27, 2012, in opposition to the Syrian regime. The U.N. Security Council met on Sunday to discuss the recent massacre in the Syrian town of Houla, which the United Nations has blamed on the Syrian government but Damascus an d Moscow suggested was due to a rebel attack. At least 116 people, including many children, were killed in the Houla attack, the head of the U.N. observer mission in Syria told the 15-nation council, according to a diplomat who was in the closed-door meeting. The diplomat spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity. REUTERS/John Gress (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)// eingestellt von se
Syrien, Massaker Hula图像来源: Reuters

联合国安理会以严厉措辞一致谴责叙利亚政府在胡拉市屠杀平民。俄罗斯最初曾表示反对。安理会称,在进攻中,叙利亚的坦克和政府炮兵部队向住宅开炮。必须严惩责任人。安理会新近再次要求冲突各方停止所有暴力。联合国叙利亚观察团团长罗伯特·穆德(Robert Mood)报告,在胡拉市有108人死亡,其中包括49名儿童和7名妇女。大马士革政府驳回了所有指责,称"恐怖分子"因对此负责。人权人士称,在政府军周日对哈马市的进攻中至少有33人被打死,其中包括7名儿童。叙利亚全国有成千上万人就胡拉市的大屠杀举行抗议。

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