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Kalashnikov assault rifles and a couple of heavy machine guns are lines up against a wall at one of Mogadishu four open-air markets, Monday, July 9, 2001. As the United Nations discusses what to do about the world's illegal small arms trade, it is business as usual at the gun markets for traders who supply arms to eastern and central Africa. Somalia became a magnet for small arms and munitions after President Mohamed Siad Barre was ousted by clan-based faction leaders in January 1991. (AP Photo/Osman Hassan)
图像来源: AP


联合国安理会昨天(9月26日)表决通过关于限制小型武器贸易的首个决议。决议要求所有国家签署关于常规武器的新协定、更严格履行现行武器禁运措施。俄罗斯是全部15个成员中唯一一个投弃权票的国家。安理会本月轮值主席、澳大利亚外长比肖璞(Julie Bischop)在决议草案获通过后表示,安理会早应制定和通过相关决议,小型武器同恐怖主义、海盗行为和有组织刑事犯罪密切相连,对致力于全球和平的努力构成威胁。俄罗斯曾要求在决议中写入也禁止向非政府组织提供小型武器的内容,但未成功。俄方所指的非政府组织包括叙利亚境内的反对派。

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