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Dutch finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem chat with Luxembourg's Prime Minister and President of the Eurogroup Council Jean-Claude Juncker at the EU Headquarters after a eurogroup meeting on December 13, 2012 in Brussels, ahead of day of a two-day European Union leaders summit.The Eurogroup, the IMF and the ECB, Greece?s international creditors, are expected to adopt and sign an amended MoU with Greece. International creditors will also discuss the17.5 billion estimated Cypriot bailout and bank recapitalization programme. AFP PHOTO / GEORGES GOBET (Photo credit should read GEORGES GOBET/AFP/Getty Images)
欧元集团主席容克与荷兰财长迪塞尔布洛姆图像来源: GOBET/AFP/Getty Images

即将离任的欧元集团主席容克预计,欧元区财政部长将在周一举行的会议上就其接班人做出决定。荷兰财长迪塞尔布洛姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)宣布参加竞选。容克在卢森堡表示,荷兰财政部长是一位很好的人选。此前容克已经同荷兰财长迪塞尔布洛姆进行了会晤。德国联邦财政部在柏林也做出了类似表示。联邦财政部一位发言人说,联邦财政部长朔伊布勒已经表示支持迪塞尔布洛姆的竞选并对圆满解决欧元集团主席接班人问题充满信心。

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