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Israeli soldiers relax at a military staging area near Kibbutz Mefalsim, in southern Israel on the border with the Gaza Strip, Sunday, Nov. 26, 2006. A truce meant to end five months of deadly Israeli-Palestinian clashes took hold in the Gaza Strip early Sunday, but early violations by Palestinian militants tempered hopes the accord would help to coax moribund peace talks back to life. The Israeli military said all troops were withdrawn from Gaza in the hours before the 6 a.m. cease-fire, announced late Saturday, went into effect. (ddp images/AP Photo/Oded Blilty)
图像来源: AP


暴力冲突4天后,加沙地带巴勒斯坦极端分子和以色列达成停火协议。巴以双方周二(3月13日)证实了这一消息。巴勒斯坦武装组织伊斯兰圣战的一名发言人通报说,在埃及的斡旋下,双方达成停火协议,而且从周二早晨起生效。以色列民事保护部部长韦尔奈伊(Matan Wilnai)也在以色列电台上间接证实了双方之间的停火。上周五,以色列战机在加沙地带发射导弹,击中加沙地带极端巴勒斯坦组织"人民抵抗委员会"领导人凯希(Zuher al Kesi)的座车,凯希及一名助手被打死。作为报复,巴勒斯坦武装分子向以色列境内发射了200多枚火箭和迫击炮弹,以色列又以空袭作出反应。据巴勒斯坦方面称,至昨晚,在以军约40次空袭中,至少有23人丧生,70人受伤。巴方承认,死伤者多为武装分子。

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