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INGOLSTADT, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 15: Horst Seehofer, Chairman of the Bavarian Christian Democrats (CSU), casts his ballot in Bavarian state parliamentary elections on September 15, 2013 in Ergolfing near Ingolstadt, Germany. The outcome in Bavaria will be seen by many as an important indicator ahead of German federal elections scheduled for September 22. (Photo by Alexander Hassenstein/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images

就在德国联邦政府换届大选开始前一周,德国巴伐利亚州迎来了新一轮州政府选举。民调结果显示,现任州长泽霍费尔(Horst Seehofer)领导的基社盟(CSU)有望获得绝大多数支持。目前和基社盟联合执政的自民党(FDP)有可能只有3%至5%的支持率,连重返州议会都相当危险。慕尼黑市长乌德(Christian Ude)隶属的社民党(SPD)可能只会获得18%至21%的支持率。民调结果还显示,绿党能够吸引大约10%至13%的选票。所有参与此次巴伐利亚州竞选的党派都希望能通过理想的支持率为下周末的联邦大选摇旗助威。

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