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Former Greek defence minister Akis Tsochadzopoulos, addresses the Greek Parliament, in Athens, on Thursday, April 28, 2011. Lawmakers were voting Thursday on a proposal by the governing Socialist majority for a preliminary parliamentary investigation into whether Tsochadzopoulos was involved in possible bribery and money laundering in connection with a 2000 submarine contract. The deal was for the construction of three submarines for the Greek Navy by a consortium made of Greece's Hellenic Shipyards S.A. and Germany's Ferostaal and HDW. (ddp images/AP Photo/ Petros Giannakouris)
图像来源: AP

希腊前国防部长阿吉斯•索卡扎波洛斯(Akis Tsochatzopoulos) 因涉嫌逃税被判处8年有期徒刑。除此之外他还要上缴52万欧元的罚金。因为索卡扎波洛斯多年来向税务机关隐瞒了自己的资产和收入,被雅典的一家法院宣判有罪。这位前部长在裁决公布后说:“我不接受这个决定。”他表示,这起案件的背后隐藏着政治动机。索卡扎波洛斯现在还面临着另外一项涉嫌收取武器合同回扣的指控。他被指犯有受贿罪,在担任希腊国防部长期间,购买俄罗斯防空导弹和四艘德国潜艇时收取了回扣。

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