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Greece's Prime Minister Antonis Samaras arrives at the EU council headquarters for an European Union leaders summit discussing the European Union's long-term budget, in Brussels November 22, 2012. EU negotiators believe they are close to securing British and German backing for a deal on nearly a trillion euros of spending over the next seven years, but last minute concessions may be needed to secure French and Polish support. REUTERS/Eric Vidal (BELGIUM - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
图像来源: Reuters


希腊总理萨马拉斯(Antonis Samaras)认为,在整顿该国公共财政状况的过程中,不需要进一步减免债务。萨马拉斯向德国《图片报》表示,希腊政府的目前负债情况从长期来讲已经正式处于可承受范围。他表示,希腊已经取得了成功,并将留在欧元区。同时,萨马拉斯也承认,完成整顿公共财政的前提是该国经济能够持续增长。美国信用评级机构标准普尔(Standard & Poor's)已经将雅典政府的评级降为"部分债务违约"级。该机构透露,再次降级的原因是该国政府准备以大幅低于票面的价格从私人债权方手中购回希腊国债。希腊政府希望能以此减轻债务压力。