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This book cover image released by Dutton shows "No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission that Killed Osama Bin Laden," by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer. A first-hand account of the Navy SEAL mission that killed Osama bin Laden is coming out Sept. 11. Dutton announced Wednesday that Mark Owen’s “No Easy Day” will “set the record straight” on the raid in Pakistan in May 2011. “Mark Owen” is a pseudonym for the combat veteran who was one of the first fighters to enter bin Laden’s third floor hideout and also witnessed his death, according to Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA). (Foto:Dutton/AP/dapd)
新书“难忘的一天”图像来源: AP

美国国防部长帕内塔希望处罚揭秘本拉登死亡新书的作者。帕内塔在接受美国CBS电视台采访时表示:“我认为我们需要采取行动,使他和美国人认识到,我们不能接受这样的行为。”几天前,揭秘本拉登死亡内幕的新书“难忘的一天”出版上市。化名马克·欧文(Mark Owen)的作者是前美国特种兵部队士兵。他在书中详细介绍了如何击毙“基地”组织领导人本拉登的全过程。美国国防部长帕内塔说,“如果有人透露这一行动的细节,等于是在通报我们的敌人,为了逮捕一个人,我们是如何采取行动的。”

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