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A Malian soldier stands guard outside where a meeting is taking place for the intervention force provided by the ECOWAS grouping of West African states, in Bamako January 15, 2013. France kept up its air strikes against Islamist rebels in Mali as plans to deploy African troops gathered pace on Tuesday amid concerns that delays could endanger a wider mission to dislodge al Qaeda and its allies. REUTERS/Joe Penney (MALI - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CONFLICT)
图像来源: Reuters


德国基民盟政治家波伦茨(Ruprecht Polenz)原则上不排除德国参与在马里军事行动。任联邦议会外交委员会主席的这位基民盟人士周三(1月16日)在接受电视台采访时指出,在这个世界上几乎无法排除任何可能性。他强调,如果情况有变,德国就必须以联合国授权或马里政府请求采取进一步措施为基础,在欧盟框架内对包括使用武力在内的使命进行讨论,联邦议会也将必须讨论这一问题。德国政府迄今排除参与在马里军事行动的可能性。

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