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新闻之后的时事焦点关注: 中国总理温家宝周一晚间起将访问德国。 柬埔寨红色高棉4名前领导人受审。 欧盟对释放胡佳表示欢迎。 之后是德语媒体看中国。

epa02796714 Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (C) smiles as he gets into a MG6 car during his visit to the MG motor plant in Longbridge, Birmingham, central England, on 26 June 2011, The plant used to make MG Rover cars but is now owned by the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation. Jiabao began his three-day trip to Britain by visiting Stratford-upon-Avon and the MG car plant in Birmingham. EPA/PHIL NOBLE UK AND IRELAND OUT - NO COMMERCIAL SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture alliance/dpa
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