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BERLIN, GERMANY - MAY 22: German Defense Minister Thomas de Maiziere arrives for the weekly German government cabinet meeting on May 22, 2013 in Berlin, Germany. De Maiziere is under increasing pressure following the "EuroHawk" drone debacle, in which de Maiziere announced recently that the German government would cancel the military project, which has already consumed EUR 562 million, due to the complications with domestic flight certification. The "EuroHawk" is a modified version of the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images)
Thomas de Maiziere 22. Mai图像来源: Getty Images

最新线索表明,德国国防部长德迈齐埃(Thomas de Maizière )有可能比之前表态所称更早就了解到了"欧洲鹰"无人机项目曾濒临失败的消息。德国《南德意志报》和路透社相继发表报道称,有一份日期为2013年3月6日的文件证明,德迈齐埃当时已经和议会党团准备就此召开会谈。文件中记录了无人机在获得飞行许可方面正面临着重重困难,存在风险。报道称,德迈齐埃3月12签署了这一文件。而6月5日,他在联邦议院国防委员会和记者面前声称,他于5月13号才得知了"欧洲鹰"的问题,并于当天同意叫停该项目。从下周一开始,国防委员会将就这一耗资巨大项目的失败展开调查。

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