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A police officer patrols the streets of the "Chinatown" district of Milan, Italy, Friday, April 13, 2007, the day after about a dozen police officers and several Chinese immigrants were injured when clashes broke out following a spontaneous protest against a fine, given to a Chinese woman for double-parking and unloading commercial merchandise from a private car in violation of the law. Limin Zhang, the Chinese consul in Milan, said that for the past two months, police have been cracking down on Chinese businesses, particularly concerning the unloading of merchandise. ''The business owners can't do their business,'' he told RAI state television. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)
图像来源: AP


意大利商会最新公布的数据显示,中国人在意大利的经商活动异常繁荣。中国企业落户意大利的数目在2008至2011年期间增长了26%,达到58238家。其中大多数华资企业从事零售、生产、酒店以及餐饮业务。单单是从2010年到2011年,中国驻意企业的数目就增长了7.7%。中国籍人士于2008年到2011年期间总共向国内汇款78.7亿欧元。在中国商人成功经商的同时,意大利一工商业协会(CGIA)也向中国投资者发出了批评的声音,指责他们不顾劳工权益,偷税漏税,不遵守卫生条例并为当地工业经济带来损害。该协会会长博尔托卢希(Giuseppe Bortolussi)指出,中国商人无法融入意大利当地社会,而且正在用低廉的价格把整个意大利工业挤出市场。

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