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担心叙利亚难民潮 希腊加强监控与土耳其边境

epa03094556 An underconstruction watchtower is shown at a portion of a state-of-the-art security fence along a 12.5-kilometre stretch of the land border with Turkey, in Nea Vyssa city, Evros, Greece, 06 February 2012. The specific 'bulge' of land extends west of the Evros (Maritsa) River and across from the Turkish border city of Edirne (ancient Andrianople), whereas most of the Greek-Turkish border in the northeast Thrace province is delineated by the Evros River. The project is budgeted at 3.16 million euros and is due for completion in late August or early September 2012. Greece's only land border with Turkey has increasingly been targetted by migrant-smugglers over the past few years as an easier 'route' to ferry mostly third world migrants from non-EU member Turkey into Greece, in a bid to eventually reach western Europe and Britain. In 2011 alone, 54,974 non-legal immigrants clandestinely crossed the Evros border into Greece. EPA/NIKOS ARVANITIDIS
希土边境图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


由于担心叙利亚难民潮,希腊更严格监视该国与土耳其边界。希腊司法部长丹狄亚斯(Nikolaos Dendias)周一表示,将向这一欧盟外部边境增派1800名边防警察,并向边境河流埃弗罗斯河增派巡逻艇。迄今已有数十万名亚洲和非洲难民通过希腊与土耳其边境非法进入欧盟。上周,丹狄亚斯宣布,尽管受到国际批评,该国仍坚持在与土耳其边界处修建近11公里长的铁丝网计划。该计划将于10月初完工。

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