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A Japan Self-Defence Forces soldier stands guard near Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles at the Defence Ministry in Tokyo April 9, 2013. Japanese public broadcaster NHK showed aerial footage of what it said were ballistic missile interceptors being deployed near Tokyo in response to North Korea's threats and actions. Japan in the past has deployed ground-based PAC-3 interceptors, as well as Aegis radar-equipped destroyers carrying Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) interceptors in the run-up to North Korean missile launches. REUTERS/Issei Kato (JAPAN - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY)
图像来源: Reuters


在专家预期朝鲜即将发射导弹的背景下,日本和韩国军队分别提升战备级别。日本防卫大臣小野寺五典(Itsunori Onodera)周三(4月10日)在东京宣布,现在实施的是最高警戒级别。安倍晋三首相向国民许诺说,政府方面做出最大努力,保护国民的生命与安全。据韩国联合通讯社援引军方高级人士报道,美韩联合司令部宣布将警戒级别从3级提升至2级。1级为战争状态。数周来,朝鲜当局不断发出军事攻击威胁,并将两枚中程导弹转移至东海岸、安置在机动发射装置上。韩国情报机构周三表示,朝鲜导弹已进入“可随时发射状态”。专家们预期,朝方本周就将发射导弹。

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