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A Chinese priest performs mass at Beijing's northern cathedral in China Monday May 8, 2006. China's official Roman Catholic church named a new bishop _ reportedly with papal endorsement _ as Beijing rejected Vatican criticism of the unauthorized ordination of two other bishops. China's Catholics were forced to cut ties to the Vatican after the 1949 communist revolution. But the Holy See and China's church communicate informally and most Chinese bishops have received papal endorsement. (AP Photo/Elizabeth Dalziel)
图像来源: AP


梵蒂冈抱怨中国国内对天主教徒宗教自由的压制有增无减。据罗马通讯社亚洲新闻日前(10月25日)报道,梵蒂冈传信部主管、枢机主教菲洛尼(Fernando Filoni)批评说,中国国内对天主教会人员和机构的监控加强,当局对忠于教皇的地下教会成员增加施压,强迫他们参加“思想改造学习班”。教宗本笃十六世向中国天主教徒发出要求国家控制的教会和地下教会实现统一的牧函5年之后,菲洛尼对中国国内宗教现状得出负面结论。他指出,众多主教被逮捕,或被隔离。在拥有13人口的中国,天主教徒属于少数群体,估计人数约为1亿。官方所允许只是天主教徒和福音教徒组成的“三自爱国教会”,“三自”即“自立、自养、自传”,不受梵蒂冈制约。

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