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epa03630434 A protester is seen during the rally against the ratification of a one-off tax in front of the Cyprus parliament in Nicosia, Cyprus, 18 March 2013. The Cyprus parliament has been postponed until 19 March on ratification of a one-off tax on bank deposits, following a postponement to allow for consultations. The measure is part of a 10-billion-euro (13-billion-dollar) eurozone bailout for the Mediterranean island agreed in Brussels last week. President Nicos Anastasiades warned that without a bailout the financial sector would collapse, plunging Cyprus into bankruptcy. EPA/FILIP SINGER
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


欧元集团赞同塞浦路斯银行小储户不必交纳特别金。欧元集团主席戴塞尔布卢姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)周一(3月18日)晚间在欧元区成员国财长电话会议后表示,欧元集团仍然认为,应区别对待小储户和大储户,10万欧元以下存款应有完全保障。欧元集团建议,拯救塞浦路斯框架内的强迫纳款规定不应包括存款数量不到10万欧元的小储户。戴塞尔布鲁姆表示,虽然最终决定权在塞浦路斯政府手中,但小储户无论如何都将得到“减负”,塞浦路斯政府将采取比上周六所达成的更大的“累进制”做法,前提是,欧元区国家所提供救助资金减少至100亿欧元的保证继续有效。上周五深夜,欧元区财政部长就总额为100亿欧元的拯救塞浦路斯方案达成一致。根据这一方案,所有塞浦路斯银行客户须交纳特别金,以10万欧元为界,比例分别为6.75%和9.9%。这一决定尤其在小储户中引发愤怒和抗议。

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