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European Union Special Representative for the Southern Mediterranean Bernardino Leon speaks with the media, after a meeting of ambassadors of the 28 EU member nations, at the EU Council building in Brussels on Monday, Aug. 19, 2013. Senior diplomats from the European Union debated a response Monday to a week of bloody violence in Egypt that has left nearly 900 people dead. The debate also included proposals to halt aid programs and suspend arms shipments. (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
图像来源: picture-alliance/AP


欧盟对埃及社会极端化倾向日益严重深表忧虑。欧盟南地中海地区特使莱昂(Bernardino Leon)对德新社表示,埃及温和派在国内每天都在失去地盘,最著名的例子是副总统、诺贝尔和平奖得主巴拉迪辞职。他指出,温和派虽尚有影响力,但已处于守势,让人深感忧虑。他抱怨欧盟和美国都没有发出明晰的信号,即:欧美都不会接受埃及社会极端化。莱昂相信,埃及军方将信守诺言,归还国家权力。他强调,在重返民主制后,穆斯林兄弟会也应参政,但与此同时,穆兄会应该思考这样的问题:出现过什么样的错误,如何全面融入国家的未来体系。莱昂不同意称“阿拉伯之春”已经失败。他指出,突尼斯的发展就是积极的。莱昂表示,地区的民主化进程将是长期的,“可能需要数十年”。

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