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There is a long history of the United States spying on Germany. In the past, secret information wasn’t gathered via Merkel’s phone but rather by means of an elaborate surveillance center, also referred to as “listening station,” on Teufelsberg. The artificial hill in former West Berlin was once used by US and British allies to eavesdrop on the plans of the enemy in the Eastern bloc during the Cold War. Foto: Anne-Sophie Brändlin, am 27.08.2012 in Berlin Bidlergalerie The history of US spying in Germany
图像来源: DW/A. Brändlin


欧盟议会外交委员会主席布洛克(Elmar Brok)认为,年底前,德国和美国之间有望达成反间谍行为协议。这位德国基民盟人士周一(11月4日)在接受德国电台采访时表示,华盛顿方面愿作出努力,减少损失,为此,将同意采取在3个月前还无法想象的步骤。布洛克本人上周曾率团访美,同美方政要就美国国家安全局对盟国领导人的“监控门”丑闻交换了意见。德国联邦宪法保护局和联邦情报局负责人今天同美国情报机构的代表也举行相关会谈。德方要求美方未来不再对盟友实施监听。布洛克表示,鉴于美方愿意作出让步,德国现在不应“火上浇油”,让前美国情报机构雇员斯诺登来德。左翼党和绿党等在野党近来多次要求安排斯诺登来德接受询问,并提供政治庇护。

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