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Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah speaks to the crowd in a rare public appearance during a rally to mark the Muslim holy day of Ashoura, in the Hezbollah stronghold of south Beirut, Lebanon, on Tuesday Dec. 6, 2011. Sheik Hassan Nasrallah has rarely been seen in public since his Shiite Muslim group battled Israel in a monthlong war in 2006, fearing Israeli assassination. Since then, he has communicated with his followers and gives news conference mostly via satellite link. Ashoura marks the anniversary of the death in the seventh century of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson Imam Hussein. His death in a battle outside of the Iraqi city of Karbala sealed Islam's historical Sunni-Shiite split, which still bedevils the Middle East. Ashoura is one of the holiest days of the Muslim Shiite calendar. (Foto:Bilal Hussein/AP/dapd)
Libanon Hisbollah Scheich Hassan Nasrallah Ansprache in Beirut图像来源: dapd

黎巴嫩真主党领导人纳斯鲁拉证实周末被以色列击落的无人驾驶飞机属于该组织。他在电视讲话中说,这架无人飞机是伊朗制造的。无人飞机先出现在靠近加沙地带的地中海上空,之后被一架以色列战斗机在约旦河西岸被占领土附近击落。 纳斯鲁拉称,无人机被击落的地点在以色列迪莫纳核电站附近。以色列2006年曾与伊朗支持的什叶派真主党民兵交战一个月。伊朗革命卫队副协调员称,这起无人机被击落事件表明,以色列导弹防御系统“铁穹”并非完全有效。以色列总理内坦尼亚胡则表示,该国军队成功地捍卫了领空。

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