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People demonstrate against Tunisia's Islamist-led government in Tunis, Tunisia Tuesday Aug. 6, 2013. The assassination of leading leftist politician Mohammed Brahmi on July 25, the second opposition figure to be assassinated this year in Tunisia, has plunged the country into a crisis with anti-government protests, the resignation of a cabinet minister, and a walkout by dozens of lawmakers. The demonstration commemorate also six months of the assassination of another left-wing opposition legislator, Chokri Belaid, in February. (Foto: AP) / Eingestellt von wa
图像来源: AP


突尼斯反对派昨晚(8月6日)再度举行大规模示威游行,要求伊斯兰复兴运动党(Ennahda)领导的现政府下台。约4万名示威者在制宪大会大楼前广场上集会。此前数小时,制宪大会宣布,鉴于政治危机,暂停工作。反对派阵营囊括极左翼到中右翼政党,并得到工会支持。进入斋月以来,反对派每晚举行反政府示威活动,抗议两名反对派政治家遭暗杀,要求建立全国统一政府。制宪大会主席贾法尔(Ben Jafaar)要求现政府和反对派对话。自2011年1月爆发导致独裁者本阿里总统垮台的革命以来,突尼斯局势一直动荡,引发当年革命的贫穷和高失业问题有增无减。

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