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Swiss Jakob Kellenberger, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), briefs the press on the ICRC's Emergency Appeals 2012 "ICRC raising funds to address acute crises and long-term suffering", at ICRC headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Thursday Dec. 8, 2011. For 2012, the ICRC is asking donors for just under 1 billion Swiss francs , (US dlrs 1.07 billion) ,an amount similar to that of its record 2011 appeal. The organization is determined to maintain its capacity to act swiftly when emergencies occur. It is equally determined to maintain its longer term approach, which often involves remaining in a country for years after violence has ended; when media attention has shifted to other emergencies. (Foto:Keystone/Martial Trezzini/AP/dapd)
国际红十字会主席雅各布·克伦贝格尔图像来源: dapd


国际红十字会主席雅各布·克伦贝格尔(Jakob Kellenberger)将再次同叙利亚当局进行谈判,要求为援助组织进一步开放通道,使他们能够在战斗地区实施救援工作。克伦贝格尔已经在周一抵达大马士革进行为期2天访问。他表示,鉴于叙利亚的病人,伤员和被驱逐者人数不断增加,他将同叙利亚红半月救援组织就国际红十字会的下一步救援行动进行磋商。此外,获准访问监禁拘留设施和国际红十字会一直要求每天停火两个小时的呼吁也是克伦贝格尔此次会谈的主要议题。他说,每天停火两小时,对疏散伤员十分必要。

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