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Syrian youths walk amongst the rubble in the village of al-Hamidiyeh, north of Qusayr, in Syria's central Homs province on June 7, 2013 as regime forces sought to mop up the final pockets of rebel resistance north of Qusayr, after retaking the key town that was an insurgent bastion for a year, a watchdog said. Qusayr's capture gives President Bashar al-Assad the upper hand if a US-Russian plan for the first direct peace talks with his opponents materialises, analysts say. AFP PHOTO / STR (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: STR/AFP/Getty Images


美国政府临时取消原定周三(8月28日)举行的美俄政治解决叙利亚冲突磋商会谈。美国国务院一名发言人周二表示,鉴于各方目前正就如何对叙境内发生化学武器攻击行为作出恰当反应的问题进行磋商,美俄之间的会谈将延期举行。美俄代表在海牙的会谈旨在为两国倡议的国际叙利亚和平会议确定时间表。美国国务院发言人周二同时表示,美方将与俄罗斯共同努力,达成日内瓦会谈的新日期。俄罗斯副外长加提诺夫(Gennadi Gatilow)对美方取消周三会谈表示遗憾,并强调,这是美国单方面做出的决定。叙利亚反对派日前宣布,不会参加国际叙利亚和平会议。

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