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Israeli President Shimon Peres (R), US President Barack Obama (C) and US Secretary of State John Kerry pose for a photo during a bilateral meeting at Peres' residence in Jerusalem on March 20, 2013. Obama arrived in Israel for the first time as US president, hoping to ease past tensions with his hosts and under pressure to narrow differences over handling Iran's nuclear threat. AFP PHOTO/MANDEL NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)
奥巴马和克里在以色列图像来源: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images

美国国务卿克里在中东举行进一步的会谈。周六夜间,克里在耶路撒冷同以色列总理内塔尼亚胡进行了会晤。以色列媒体报道称,未来负责以巴和平谈判的以色列女司法部长齐皮·利夫尼( Livni)也出席了会谈。克里希望双方在未来6个月内举行新一轮谈判。周六,克里在约旦首都安曼会见了巴勒斯坦权力机构主席阿巴斯。

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