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U.S. General John Allen, commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan, speaks during U.S. Independence Day celebrations in Kabul, in this file picture taken July 4, 2012. Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for alleged inappropriate communication with Jill Kelley, a woman at the center of the scandal involving former CIA Director David Petraeus, a senior U.S. defense official said on November 13, 2012. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail/Files (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS)U.S. General John Allen, commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan, speaks during U.S. Independence Day celebrations in Kabul, in this file picture taken July 4, 2012. Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for alleged inappropriate communication with Jill Kelley, a woman at the center of the scandal involving former CIA Director David Petraeus, a senior U.S. defense official said on November 13, 2012. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail/Files (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS)U.S. General John Allen, commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) forces in Afghanistan, speaks during U.S. Independence Day celebrations in Kabul, in this file picture taken July 4, 2012. Allen, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, is under investigation for alleged inappropriate communication with Jill Kelley, a woman at the center of the scandal involving former CIA Director David Petraeus, a senior U.S. defense official said on November 13, 2012. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail/Files (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS)
图像来源: Reuters


国际阿富汗安全援助部队(ISAF)司令艾伦(John Allen)确信,阿富汗安全力量有能力在未来数月内就全面接管国家安全责任。在美联社周三(1月30日)发表的采访报道中,现年59岁的这位美国将军称,“阿富汗军队的能力超出了我们的想象”,完全能够在2013年就接管领导责任。美国总统奥巴马本月初曾表示,阿富汗军队不是在今年秋季,而是在春季就应接管在境内打击塔利班的指挥责任,从而使外国军队能比原计划提前撤出。艾伦将军透露,阿富汗政府军的规模已基本达到所计划的35.2万人的规模。尽快移交安全责任也是对阿富汗方面所作努力的尊重和认可。他指出,国际部队未来两年的最重要任务是,向阿富汗安全力量提供咨询、培训、扩大其能力。担任国际阿富汗安全援助部队司令19个月的艾伦将于下月10日离开阿富汗,转任北约驻欧洲部队最高司令。

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