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Kenya's Deputy Prime Minister and presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta smiles as he casts his vote at the Mutomo primary school in Kiambu, north of Nairobi on March 4, 2013 during the nationwide elections. Kenyans went out to vote for presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial elections on March 4, the first since bloody post-poll violence five years ago in which more than 1,100 people died after contested results. AFP PHOTO/SIMON MAINA (Photo credit should read SIMON MAINA/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: Getty Images


肯尼亚政府副总理肯雅塔(Uhuru Kenyatta)在昨天(3月4日)举行的大选中的得票率暂时领先。此次总统及议会选举是肯尼亚在2007年大选后发生血腥骚乱以来的首次。当年的暴力冲突导致至少1200人丧生,50多万人流离失所。昨天的投票过程中也发生暴力行为,有19人死亡。肯尼亚全国选举委员会通报说,根据到今天早晨对三分之一投票点选票的统计结果,选民投票率为70%,肯雅塔的得票数多出位居第二的现总理奥廷加(Raila Odinga)约40万张,得票率54%。这一部分计票结果是在紧张的气氛中公布的。大选前的民调结果显示,肯雅塔和奥廷加是下届总统的最大热门人选。不过,肯雅塔受到海牙国际刑事法院的指控,对上届大选后发生血腥骚乱事件负有责任。

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