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Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service, Germany Picture Service South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit (L) and his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao toast during a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing April 24, 2012. Hu told Kiir on Tuesday that he hoped for calm and restraint between the two Sudans, state television reported. Kiir's visit to Beijing comes days after he ordered troops to withdraw from the oil-rich Heglig region after seizing it from Sudan, a move that brought the two countries to the brink of all-out war. REUTERS/Kazuhiro Ibuki/Pool (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS) // eingestellt von se
Südsudan - China, Sudan图像来源: Reuters


据路透社报道,中国国家主席胡锦涛呼吁苏丹和南苏丹冲突双方保持克制,并表示这对于两个国家人民的利益以及地区稳定和平来说都是至关重要的。正在北京访问的南苏丹总统基尔(Salva Kiir)此前表示,苏丹已经向其宣战。经济崛起中的中国与两个国家的石油产业都进行了大量合作,但北京试图在地区冲突的问题上保持距离。由于最近一段时间的武装冲突,南北苏丹的石油生产都已经陷入停滞。

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