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Portugal's Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, center standing, addresses lawmakers during a motion of censure tabled by the main opposition Socialist Party in the Portuguese parliament in Lisbon, Wednesday, April 3, 2013. Opposition parties in Portugal presented a motion of no confidence in the government, giving voice to widespread discontent as the bailed-out country endures a predicted third year of recession and a jobless rate that has grown to 17.5 percent. (AP Photo/Francisco Seco)
图像来源: picture alliance / AP Photo


葡萄牙政坛继续动荡。据该国媒体报道,继财政部长和外交部长后,又有多名内阁成员准备提出辞呈,同属于民主和社会中心—人民党(CDS-PP)的农业部长和社会部长今天就将宣布辞职。该党领导层今天将就下一步骤协调立场。若无该党的支持,保守派总理科埃略(Pedro Passos Coelho)就将失去在议会中的多数地位。科埃略总理昨天表示,不能接受外长博塔斯(Paulo Portas)的辞呈。这样,葡萄牙现任联合政府的前途取决于博塔斯的最终态度。葡萄牙政府危机导致欧洲股市大跌。

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