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Pro-democracy activists hold a picture of Chen Guangcheng during an event to collect signatures in support of the blind Chinese legal activist, in Hong Kong Wednesday, May 2, 2012. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived Wednesday in Beijing, where a tense human rights showdown awaits over the fate of Chen said to be under U.S. protection after escaping from house arrest. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)
US Botschaft in Peking Chen Guangcheng图像来源: AP

在美国留学的中国盲人人权活动家陈光诚在本周日发表的一段视频中对中国人权现状予以强烈抨击,并称侄子陈克贵被判三年零三个月有期徒刑是对他今年初逃到美国使馆的打击报复。在由美国对华援助协会(China Aid)发表的长达10分钟的视频中,陈光诚说,“中央向我、向美国、向全世界做出的‘将对山东数年来迫害我和我家人的违法犯罪行为展开彻底调查做出公开处理的’承诺至今未兑现。因我的离开而对我的侄子陈克贵及其它亲友的打击报复仍在进行。”陈光诚还例举了在人权、法治和宗教自由领域中的维权代表,呼吁习近平效法缅甸现政府,实行变革,并鼓励民众坚持维权。