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** FILE ** In this undated file photo released by his supporters, jailed blind activist Chen Guangcheng is seen in a village in China. Chinese authorities on Friday Aug. 24, 2007, barred Chen's wife from leaving the country to accept a humanitarian award on his behalf. Yuan Weijing's passport and telephone were confiscated as she attempted to pass through security at the Beijing airport to fly to the Philippines to attend the Magsaysay Award ceremony. (AP Photo/Supporters of Chen Guangcheng, File)
盲人维权人士陈光诚图像来源: AP


据德国《明镜》周刊报道,中国盲人维权人士陈光诚希望尽快携家人离开中国。他对《明镜》周刊的记者说,"在中国公民权得不到保障。"陈光诚在北京住院期间,透露了他和他的家人被软禁期间所遭受的虐待。他说"警卫人员对他们严密看守,寸步不离, 粗暴的阻止他们外出。""国家安全人员闯入其家中,拿走家中物品,甚至体温计和手电筒。"陈光诚不相信政府的承诺。他说,他现在并无自由。这位盲人律师希望前往美国。

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